Continuous innovation and Patents

Innovation has always been our core value.

World cuisines and dietary diversity are the key drivers of innovation, but food safety, organoleptic and nutritional qualities and, of course, sustainable development in production processes are the fundamental orientations of our research.

Sauces classiques

Innovation in production tools

Here at SOREAL, we develop our production equipment so that it can be adapted to meet our customers’ needs, and not the other way round. The Brie site features 4 production lines and 16 different packaging lines. The Sonjal vegetarian casing has its own special dedicated line. One of SOREAL’s strengths is its powerful infrastructure, capable of managing traceability and lean production. We are also agile in terms of managing resources and adapting to new demands.

Service innovation

Today, our service innovations focus on the lab and the kitchen along with our clients’ R&D departments, cutting down on intermediary steps and offering a direct sensory analysis. Since our creation, we have seen the relationship with our customers as a true partnership and we have built our philosophy around the concept of co-creation.


Packaging innovation

Packaging is another important area of creativity for us, playing with a wide range of formats, materials or uses. A few examples of our groundbreaking ideas : square pots for dipping, mini bottles for salad dressing. We are constantly working to create packaging that is more and more innovative and practical for users, and primarily with a lower environmental impact.  


Product innovation

This is ongoing and punctuates our company history. Some key examples : 

  • Sliceable sauces: in 1993, SOREAL was the first manufacturer to offer this product, which means the sauce can be portioned out as required: 1 slice = 1 serving.
  • The light yogurt or cream cheese sauce for sandwiches, replacing mayonnaise, in 2004-2005. The amount of fat content went from 70 to 20-25%.
  • Low-fat mayonnaise introduced by SOREAL from 2007.
  • The 0% fat cream cheese-based sauce in 2010, with a texture that is identical to a high-fat product.
  • Multi-phase products with single-phase packaging.
  • Fat-free sauces using a new patented process.
  • 3 innovative recipes/flavors: Texas grill, Barbecue Chipotle, Toreador.
  • A range of cooked sauces: pepper, shallot; Roquefort and Bearnaise.
  • A range of egg-free (100% Vegan) sauces, a prize winner at the 2018 Snacking d’Or. 


Discover also about our innovations

R&D  The Quality  CSR

Current news

22 janv. 2025

Soreal vous dévoile ses nouvelles stars pour le SIRHA 2025 !

Le Sirha est l’occasion pour nous de vous présenter nos 2 innovations de cette année 2025 : notre nouvelle gamme de sauces cuisinées Cuisin’Émoi® et notre flacon innovant Top Gun®.


25 avril 2023

Notre nouvelle marinade prête à l'emploi CITRON-THYM remporte un Snacking d'Or

La nouvelle gamme de marinades ILOU marque la première Collab' FRANCE CULINAIRE DEVELOPPEMENT x SOREAL ILOU, démontrant les fortes synergies entre les équipes qui font le quotidien de nos entreprises françaises

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